Criteria of search: Ακαδημαϊκός
Found 191 results
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List of search results:
Dates: 1884 - 1971 Νame in other language: Kavvadias, Alexandros (1884-1971) [english]
Dates: 4/3/1884 - 22/2/1957 Birth place: Λακωνία Νame in other language: Varvaresos,Kyriakos (1884-1957) [english]
Dates: 1886 - 1972 Birth place: Αθήνα Νame in other language: Emmanouil, Emmanouil I. (1886-1972) [english]
Dates: 1886 - 1968 Birth place: Πειραιάς Νame in other language: Politis, Ioannis Ch. (1886-1968) [english]
Dates: 1887 - 1980 Birth place: Δερβένι Κορινθίας Νame in other language: Geōrgalas, Geōrgios K. [english]
Dates: 28/12/1887 - 28/11/1979 Birth place: Κούλα Σμύρνης Νame in other language: Joachimoglu, Georgios (1887-1979) [english]
Dates: 1888 - 16/1/1980 Birth place: Συρράκο Ιωαννίνων Νame in other language: Trikkalinos, Ioannis (1888-1980) [english]
Dates: 1889 - 11/1/1965 Birth place: Μερόπη Οιχαλίας Μεσσηνίας Νame in other language: Krimpas, Vasileios.D (1889-1965) [english]
Dates: 20/6/1889 - 15/3/1951 Birth place: Πειραιάς Νame in other language: Paraskevopoulos, Ioannis S. (1889-1951) [english]
Dates: 12/11/1889 - 28/5/1974 Birth place: Αθήνα Νame in other language: Tomprοs, Michael (1889-1974) [english]
Dates: 1890 - 1950 Birth place: Αθήνα Νame in other language: Lampadarios Demetrios [english]
Dates: 1891 - 1979 Birth place: Αθήνα Νame in other language: Xyggopoulos A [english]
Dates: 23/7/1892 - 17/8/1977 Birth place: Νίγδη Νame in other language: Petrides, Petros (1892-1977) [english]
Dates: 09/02/1893 - 10/08/1987 Birth place: Ναύπακτος Αιτωλοακαρνανίας Νame in other language: Athanasiadis - Novas, George (1893-1987) [english], Athanasiadēs-Novas, Geōrgios (1893-1987) [english] Alternative name: Αθάνας, Γεώργιος [Pseudonym] | Athánas, Geṓrgios [Pseudonym]
Dates: 1895 - 26/7/1976 Birth place: Αθήνα Νame in other language: Papatsonis, Panagiotis (1895-1976) [english]
Dates: 1898 - 1968 Birth place: Ηράκλειο, Κρήτης Νame in other language: Manousakis, Emmanouil (1898-1968) [english] Πρόσεδρο μέλος: Ακαδημία Αθηνών
Dates: 25/1/1898 - 23/2/1966 Birth place: Κλημέντι Κορινθίας Νame in other language: Choremis, Konstantinos B. (1898-1966) [english]
Dates: 1/7/1899 - 8/10/1987 Birth place: Αθήνα Νame in other language: Tsatsos, Konstantinos (1899-1987) [english]
Dates: 1900 - 1991 Birth place: Αθήνα Νame in other language: Mariolopoulos, Ēlias G. (1900-1991) [english]
Dates: 28/02/1900 - 20/02/1981 Birth place: Βασσαράς Λακωνίας Νame in other language: Theodorakopoulos, Ioannis N. [english]
Dates: 14/3/1900 - 30/3/1967 Birth place: Άμφισσα Φωκίδας Νame in other language: Karouzos, Christos (1900-1967) [english]
Dates: 27/7/1900 - 2/5/1982 Birth place: Πειραιάς Νame in other language: Papanoutsos, Evaggelos (1900-1982) [english]
Dates: 24/2/1901 - 7/5/1995 Birth place: Μύκονος Νame in other language: Toumpas, Ioannis (1901-1995) [english]
Dates: 1902 - 5/10/1998 Νame in other language: Charis, Petros (1902-1998) [english] Alternative name: Μαρμαριάδης, Ιωάννης
Dates: 21/5/1902 - 10/7/1980 Birth place: Μεγαλόπολη Νame in other language: Zervas, Leonidas (1902-1980) [english]
Dates: 13/12/1902 - 11/9/1986 Birth place: Πάτρα Νame in other language: Kanellopoulos, Panagiotis (1902-1986) [english]
Dates: 1903 - 1990 Birth place: Ληξούρι Νame in other language: Pylarinos, Othon (1903-1990) [english]
Dates: 1903 - 1994 Νame in other language: Vlavianos, Vasilios (1903-1994) [english]
Dates: 28/3/1903 - 1997 Birth place: Νάξος Νame in other language: Papadakis, Ioannis (1903-1997) [english]