Mediterranean. Ionian Sea. Channels of Corfu with the adjacent coast of Albania from cape Kiephali to Kastrosikia

  2. 2365. — Mediterranean. Ionian Sea. Channels of Corfu with the adja- cent coast of Albania from cape Kiephali to Kastrosikia surveyed by T. A. Hull, F. Skead & F. B. Christian mast1'8, F. J. Gray 2"d master & F. W. Jarrad, act J 2nd mastr R. N. under the direction of comm' A. L. Mansell. 1863-4. (Au has :) London, published at the Admiralty, 25"' oct1' 1865, under the superintendence of capt" G. H. Richards R. N. hydrographer, jany 66. Sold by J. D. Potter, agent for the Admiralty charts, 31 Poultry & 11 King street Tower Hill. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. Carte geographique mesurant 75 centimetres sur un metre.