1751. — Ionian Islands. Return to an Address of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 2 december 1852 ; for, « Copies of the Corres- pondence between Sir John Pakington, Baronet, Secretary for the Colo- nies, and Sir Henry Ward, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, since february 1852, when Sir John Pakinglon assumed office, including the correspondence with the banished members of the legislative Assem- bly of the Ionian Islands respecting the terms proposed to them for their liberation from exile : » « And, of the protest by the members of the legislative Assembly at its first meeting (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, n° 567, of Session 1852). » Colonial Office, 11 march 1853. Fre- derick Peel. (Mr. Hume.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, 11 march 1853. In-f'olio de vm et 176 pages.
Ionian Islands. Return to an Address of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 2 december 1852 - Identifier: 38367
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