FROM THE ARCH-BISHOP OF THE Isle of Samos in Greece

  2. 571 FROM THE ARCH-BISHOP OF THE Isle of Samos in Greece. An Account of his building the Grecian Church in So-hoe Fields and the disposal thereof by the Masters of the Parish of St. Martins in the Fields. In the Year 1676 I came into England with intentions to publish a Book in print called Anthologion, for the use of the Eastern Greek Church, but finding they had no place allotted for the Exercise of our Religion, but that some Persons of our Country, Daniel Bulgarie a Priest, and others, who had earnestly indeavoured to get one fwrilded, and in order the- reunto had obtained his Majesties graeious Grant for the same,410 BIBLIOGRAPHIE HELLΙNIQUE two years before my arrival ; but wanting means, methods, and interest to proceed to the accomplishing this their purpose, they desired me to take the business upon me ; in which, though some difficulties appeared unsuitable to my Function; yet in Piety to the Church, and to promote the exercise of the Divine Service thereof, ? undertook the charge, and proceeded therein, as folio we th Viz. I first applyed myself to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, to acquaint him there- with, and his Lordship did so far approve thereof, that he promised to speak to the other Bishops, and other Gentlemen to bestow their benevolent Contributions towards the building of the said Church : Next I applyed myself to Doctor Barbone, who was then concerned in building in So-hoe Fields. He, as soon as he was acquainted with my design, promised to give me a piece of ground, and to build the Foundation at his own charge ; thereupon I went again to his said Lordship, and tel- ling him thereof, he promised to give me a piece of ground himself, and sent one Mr. Thrift with me, and marked out the ground. Hereupon I went to his Majesty, the Duke of York, and most of the Nobility and Clergy, who were pleased to contribute freely to the Building, there being gathered both in City and Country fifteen hundred pounds. I began the foundation at my own charge, and as I received the Contributions I went on ; and expended therein, as may appear by the Workmens Receipts, eight hundred pounds ; and the remainder of the money was expended in Charges, Servants wages, and Horse hire in going about the Country and in my maintenance for these six years last past. After some time the Church being found inconveniently situated, being too remote from the abodes of most of the Grecians (dwelling chiefly in the furthermost parts of the City), it was upon mature consideration thought fit to be sold, and another to be builded in a more'convenient place ; where- upon I applyed myself again to his Lordship the Bishop ofΑΝΛΚΕ 1682 411 London, who was pleased to tell me, that when the said Church was sold, his Lordship would give his Grant and Title for the building of another. Hereupon I indeavoured to sell it, and finding two persons, that would buy the same, the Lord Bishop of London woi Id not consent thereto, lest the Party should make a meetii g house thereof. Hereupon I went to Doctor of St Martins, wh ι proposing it to the Parish, they consented before the said Lord Bishop to let it be apprais'd by two able workmen. The church was accordingly viewed and rated to be worth 626 £. The Parish proffered 1G8 £. alledging that the ground was theirs; and not the Bishops. This agreement falling off, I found out others, who proffered 62 £. more than the Parish had done, which they of the Parish coming to understand, they proffered 200 £. which I denying to do, they told me they would take the Church without it, as they did accordingly, breaking open the door and taking possession. Hereupon I indeavoured to carry the person who broke open the door before a Justice, that I might justifie myself, but the Parish not permitting him to go, I went myself, but not finding the Justice, I desisted from any further proceeding. This Relation I have thought fit to make that thereby all Persons may see I never sold the said Church, nor received any sum for the building thereof. London, Printed for A. F. 1682. Placard in-folio. L'exemplaire conserve a la Bibliotheque du Musee britannique, sous la cote : 816. m. 9 (118), est peut-etre unique.
  3. THE ARCH-BISHOP OF THE Isle of Samos