The purpose of the author is to find or invent a term corresponding to the neologism Fractal, invented by B. Mandelbrot [5] and used in the English literature.
To this end a concise description of the notion of Fractal and a few examples are given. Then the author picks up the Greek words: Thrafsma-Trimma-Thrimma and explains why the most appropriate candidate to replace Fractal in Greek is Thrimma. He also expresses the opinion that the choice by Mandelbrot of the term Thrimma, instead of Fractal, would not be less successful.
Απόπειρα να αποδοθεί στα Ελληνικά ο μαθηματικός όρος Fractal. Προτείνεται ο ελληνικός όρος θρύμμα.