1086.— V. An Account or History, of the Procuring the SMALL POX in Incision, or Inoculation; as it has for some time been practised at Constantinople. Being the Extract of a Letter from Emanuel Timonius, Oxon. & Patav. M. D. S. R. S. dated at Constantinople, December, 1713. Communicated to the Royal Society by John Woodward, M. D. Profes. Med. Gresh. and S.R. S. [Άνάτυπον έκ]: PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. For the Months of April, May and June, 1714 Number 339 [London, 1714], σσ. 72-82. (20 έκ.). 'Λντίτ.: Now Η a ν ρ n, CT: Tain University - Medical School Library: Inoc. Vacc. Timoni 1714 Ή επιστολή τοϋ Εμμανουήλ Τιμόνη, είς λατινικήν γλώσσαν, δημοσιεύεται εις σσ. 76-82. Υπο- γράφει: Emmanuel Timonius Constantinopolitanus. In Universitatihus Oxoniensi <§· Patavino
V. An Account or History, of the Procuring the SMALL POX in Incision, or Inoculation; as it has for some time been practised at Constantinople. - Identifier: 48047
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