1067.— The great Preserver of Mankind, which is / ALEXICACUS,/ SPIRIT of SALT of the WORLD,/Now Philosophically prepared and purged from all hurt- full or corroding qualities; far beyond any thing yet / Known to the World; being both safe and pleasant for the use of all Men, Women and Children./By C Ο Ν- S Τ Α Ν Τ Ι Ν Ε R Η Ο D Ο C A N A C Ε S Grecian of the Isle of Chios, and on °f his Majesties Chymists. / In London, next door to Three Kings Inne, in Southamp- ton Buildings near the Kings Gate in Holborn, By His Majesties special Directions arid Allowance. [London, ca. 1664]