The latest studies of the Athens University Departmnet of Clinical Therapeutics on endemic goiter in Greece are reviewed. Endemic goiter affects many regions in Greece, especially those situated on schistolithic soil, and is mainly due to the low iodine content of the locally produced foodstuffs. In the endemic areas women and children are more often affected, with a definite familial aggregation of goitrous cases. Iodine metabolism studies are consistent with a compensated iodine deficiency pattern. Both adults and children with endemic goiter present signs of generalised undernutrition, but the body height of goitrous children is not significantly different from the controls.
Κατόπιν μελέτης της Θεραπευτικής Κλινικής του Παν/μίου Αθηνών επί της ενδημικής βρογχοκήλης στην Ελλάδα, δίδονται τα επιδημιολογικά δεδομένα, η διατροφή του ελληνικού πληθυσμού σε ιώδιο, η ανταλλαγή του ιωδίου στην ενδημική βρογχοκήλη και η σχέση της με την γενική υγεία του πληθυσμού.