This study puts on record Aristotle's views, which are-in most instances- surprisingly vindicated by modern Physical Science, for which Aristotle is recognized as the precursor. In particular, views are being substantiated-such as formulated in various works of Aristotle-with his own sentences recorded in the modern linguistic idiom, and a parallel recital of the ancient text. Said views, suitably related, constitute most valid positions, which far from deviating from the scientific admissions of today, are being reinforced, founded, and unchallengeably supported thereby. From the various instances, it is worth mentioning, inter alia and as a mere indication, the one relating to the well-known Einstein's equation: Energy Material.
Μελετάται ο λόγος του Αριστοτέλη στον οποίο ανευρίσκονται έννοιες όπως: αιθέρας, αίτιο-αιτία, άπειρο, δύναμη, ενέργεια, ήχος, κενό, κίνηση, μοχλός, ροπή, ύλη, χρόνος. Οι έννοιες αυτές αποτελούν μεγέθη της σύγχρονης Φυσικής Επιστήμης. Επίσης, η Φυσική Επιστήμη σχετίζεται άρρηκτα με αριστοτελικούς συλλογισμούς-προβληματισμούς, οι οποίοι και παρατίθενται στη μελέτη αυτή.